
DPC Watchdog Violation BSOD error in Windows 10/11?

The DPC Watchdog Violation is another very common blue screen error that may take place in both Windows 10 and 11 operating systems. Sometimes, causes for this DPC_Watchdog_Violation error might be hardware or driver conflicts that may occur when the device drivers get updated or become incompatible with their system firmware. While that might sound… Read more.


What Is Error Code 0x80073701 and How Can You Fix It?

Understanding Windows Update Error Code 0x80073701 Since the release of Windows 10/11 updates, Microsoft has fixed various problems, but some are still present. Error code 0x80073701 generally occurs when users install Windows 10 version 1607 and then install update KB3206632 or KB3213986 on x64-based systems. Missing or damaged system files lead to this type of… Read more.


How to Resolve NETIO.SYS Blue Screen Errors on Windows

One of the most common BSOD errors that faces Windows users includes the NETIO.SYS blue screen error. Generally, this error is related to drivers or system files that deal with networking and may interfere with normal functioning. In this article, we will describe what causes such types of errors and how to repair them. The… Read more.


What is BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO and How to Fix It

What Is BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO? The bad system config info is basically an error that occurs when Windows OS detects an anomaly in the configuration of the operating system. This is usually because of a corrupt SYSTEM hive or registry errors and occurs during the boot-up process, resulting in the BSOD. Though rather frightening, in this article… Read more.


How to Fix The critical_process_died on Windows 10/11?

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is a frustrating issue that can interrupt your work. While there are hundreds of BSOD error codes, one of the most common is CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED. Although BSODs happen less frequently in Windows 10 and 11 compared to older versions, they are still disruptive, often causing lost progress and unexpected system… Read more.


What You Should Know About Error Code 0xc0000185 on Windows 10/11

A sudden system restart and a blue screen displaying an error code 0xc0000185 on Windows 10/11 are never pleasant, especially when one is in the middle of some important work. Most users have faced similar crashes at some point, making this error a familiar issue. Thankfully, fixing it is often straightforward, even for those with no technical background. Before exploring the solutions, let’s first understand what error 0xc0000185 means. This error… Read more.