The Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap error is a form of Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) which could arise on Windows 10/11. This errors normally indicators a hassle with your hardware, drivers, or machine files. Although the mistake can be irritating, there are several solutions to help you solve it. The Cause of the UNEXPECTED KERNEL… Read more.
Author: Riley Reed
Riley Reed is a tech writer specializing in troubleshooting Windows errors and system performance optimization. Riley enjoys helping users solve common PC problems and improve their overall computing experience. With a focus on practical tips and performance improvements, Riley ensures readers can keep their systems running smoothly and securely.
Why Does the Mouse Cursor Disappear on Windows 10? The presence or absence of the mouse pointer in computers running Windows 10 can greatly change how it interacts with the operating system. There can be different reasons for this problem such as recent updates to the system, issues with the battery, connection problems, or other… Read more.
What is the SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG Error? This error occurs when Firefox can’t verify a secure connection due to data issues. The message usually looks like: “Secure Connection Failed. An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG.” It points to a security problem, likely… Read more.
Keeping in check the CPU temperature from an idling gadget to heavy loads of gaming can prevent overheating, throttling, and even possible damage. This article is about the normal operating temperatures for CPUs. It covers different techniques for measuring and discusses the variations in optimal temperature ranges across different CPU models, including Intel and AMD… Read more.
What Is Error Code 0xc0000005? Despite the many features available in Windows 10/11, it isn’t devoid of some drawbacks. Various error messages coming their way can slow down a user’s system. Some of these errors are famous, while others come up out of the blue. Among the errors is the code 0xc00000005. If unattended, it… Read more.
Losing the mouse cursor on your screen can be frustrating, especially after a system update. Whether you’re using a wireless or wired mouse, this issue can disrupt your workflow. Here’s a comprehensive guide to fixing disappearing mouse cursor issues on Windows 10/11 computers. Solutions you can try to fix your mouse cursor problems Solution #1:… Read more.
Once an easily recognizable desktop assistant in the early 2000s, BonziBuddy has since become notorious as a potentially unwanted program, or PUP, and sometimes called the “BonziBuddy virus.” Although it was intended to be a friendly virtual assistant, it soon acquired a reputation for serving intrusive ads, tracking user activity, and acting much like spyware…. Read more.
Many Windows 10/11 users have reported a temporary black screen issue, where their display briefly goes dark before returning to normal. In some cases, the screen may show distortions before the blackout. However, after this brief disruption, the system continues functioning without further problems. At first glance, this might seem like a minor glitch or… Read more.
What Is the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR? WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR – An error that normally indicates a hardware problem, which may be in the form of defective hardware or malfunctioning system drivers. The major common causes include: Read about common Windows Errors: ‘System Thread Exception Not Handled’ Error DRIVER POWER STATE FAILURE Error PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA Error Solving… Read more.
One of the most dreaded errors among Windows users is the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD), which occurs when the system encounters a critical issue it cannot resolve, forcing an automatic restart. BSoDs can result from various factors, including outdated or incompatible drivers, faulty hardware, power supply failures, corrupted BIOS settings, missing Windows Registry entries,… Read more.